iPhone 11 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S20+ Full Comparison

Hi guys let's do a comparison between the Samsung Galaxy S20 plus and iPhone pro max .I've been actually using this one and I pushed it about it on Twitter and quite a few of you have asked me what do I feel about the iPhone 11 Promax so I thought why not compare it with this galaxy s2 any class because I have been actually using this one for quite some time so let's do a practical comparison what do I feel about this and I won't get into a debate between iOS or Android in this video we'll just do a practical comparison and the first thing that I noticed is that in terms of weight definitely the iPhone 11 Pro max weighs a lot it's a lot more heavier in fact I googled about it the iPhone actually weighs 226 grams this is actually quite heavy compared to the s20 plus the S 20 plus B is just 186 pounds so that is one thing that I notice immediately and this makes a huge difference because you're carrying your phone every day so if you are in a shop just try out both the phone then see which one do you feel as comfortable moving to another thing is that,

 I just place it side-by-side the s20 plays a slightly bigger in fact in terms of resolution also the S 20 plus a slightly higher and resolution in fact this goes to the PPI of about 525 whereas the iPhone the PPI is this has a smaller screen 6.5 and the PPI of this one if I will call goes to 458 any nice but the thing is that if I place this over to the iPhone this edges over the same if you notice here as you can see the that a stye phone width is slightly more and this makes a huge difference I would say when you hold this one because this has slightly narrower but it's easier to hold in the single hang whereas the iPhone definitely it's very wide phone and holding it like the slightly difficult so again that was something that I immediately noticed and now moving to one more thing this is having samsung pay again it has the full version of samsung pay so it works with any credit card machine and stuff and it works very well in India you for quite some time apple also has Apple pay but the thing is that as of now in India Apple pay is simply not supported so you can't use it for digital payments so that is something,

 I actually missed quite a bit because due to the covert situation and mostly relying on digital payments and that works with the Samsung one now moving to another thing and this is regarding battery both of them could last me for a typical working day but I would say the iPhone 11 Promax definitely goes ahead and battery it was easily lastingly for about one and a half days without any issue so in terms of battery stamina I would say the iPhone cause I had but in terms of charging no fortunately the iPhone also supports fast charging and it will what fast chargers are supplied but we get 25 what fast charger or the Samson so that is also something you have to note now talking about the processor the galaxy s 20 plus comes in two variants the snapdragon 865 and the Exynos 990 in India we are getting the Exynos variant whereas the Apple you get the Apple a 30 bandit chip which is sort of a beast I would say in terms of daily performance I did not notice any lag with either of these phones I would say in day-to-day performance they are very very fluent so in that way you don't have to worry about either of these phones all of them will note stuff fine without any issues so in that way the processor is not the bottleneck but if you do very heavy gaming.

 I would say that iPhone might go slightly ahead it's not like I could do every gaming with the galaxy s 20 plus but with the extended gaming I feel the galaxy s 20 plus heats up a lot more compared to the iPhone but in one area I would say definitely I felt that the Samsung galaxy s 20 plus is more smooth was in UI and you might be surprised and that is since the Samsung actually let me show you the display option supports that 120 Hertz option and if you keep it 120 Hertz the UI operation I don't know if you can see it is very very smooth as you can see very smooth even sweeter than the UI animations that I see on the iPhone because the iPhone is restricted to 60 years so in daily usage.

 I would say in terms within the UI I strangely felt that this Samsung felt more fluid in operations because of that 120 Hertz okay so that is also something you got to know again if you're playing around with these what these forms check that in a story you will also be surprised now moving to another thing is that the Samsung comes with actually a build a no Sims and it's a hybrid body say micro SD card slot whereas on the iPhone actually we only get one physical some that says nano and the second server actually is sent in fact my friend uses this iPhone here and he says that he misses that seconds and and I was to invite only use that Eason he says that he just does not like to use e sent so he's actually carrying another phone because he has to use that other sim so that might be a case scenario for you if you're having want to use to physical sense then it's you that is available on the issue any plus any also you have that if you don't use that second said you can use a it for expanding the storage with a micro SD card we don't have any expansion on the iPhone and this is one thing that really surprised me and

 I'm annoyed with Apple the base variant of the iPhone 11 Pro max come with Smith just 64 gigabytes of storage yes and if I were you are if you're using this phone as your primary driver after six and months that 64 gigabytes storage will not be enough for you and let's not even talk about the price the base variant that comes with 64 gigabytes is for about 1 lakh 70 in a thousand for the iPhone but as I've told you that 64 gigabytes is just not enough so you have to pump up and the next option is 256 and sadly in India after the surprising height the price for that's 256 gigabytes as about 132 okay that is one lakh 32,000 so secondly very very expensive if you want to go with the 256-gigabyte wait where is the Samsung mostly it's only in one variant of India that is that 128-gigabyte variant and even after this DST high and the prices of about 78,000 again I feel you do have that expansion slot so in terms of storage definitely.

 I would say the something goes ahead I mean if you look at the price difference now the price difference is also quite a bed between these two smartphones but certainly if you're going with this iPhone Levin Promax I definitely feel that 64 gigabyte variant might not be enough so you are forced to go with that 256 gigabyte a variance so that is other the practical thing that you have to keep in mind now let's also talk about one more thing that is actually the cameras on this one if you look at the iPhone we have the triple camera and it's very simple all the three cameras are actually 12 megapixel main is 20 megapixel then that zoom that is 2 X is 20 megapixel and antrum I just feel better but even the front-facing is actually 20 megabits let us on the Samsung we have a quad camera set up at the back and the main is still 12 megapixel optically stabilized then next we have a 64 megapixel this is actually 3x so this is also optical depth stabilized then again we have a 20 megapixel which is actually again that ultra wide and the fourth is for time-of-flight that is step the front facing is that control notch which is again a 10 megapixel again I completely forgot with the iPhone you do get this notch and I have been used to many of the Android phones that are almost much less or they'll have a punch hole and definitely when watching the video.

 I would say the experience is better on this one here the knotch actually did bother me quite a bit and you do notice it so that is also something you have to know now as we are talking about the notch and stuff another small thing that completely forgot is that because of this current covert situation we have made varying masks and stuff and this iPhone the main and locking mechanism is that face ID you it sees your face and it locks and it works actually very well but I get if you are wearing a mask again many times it will not recognize and you have to remove the mask that is not the case with this one because on this you would be actually relying on this ultrasonic fingerprint scanner and definitely the sonic fingerprint scanner has improved quite a bit and I feel this is more practical another small thing if you noticed is that when you keep both these forms to stand by let me do that we don't have any always-on display on the iPhones where as we do have the always-on display on the SAMS and it's just dancing right do you know what's the time what's the battery level and what are the notifications you have so this is again another small thing that I really appreciate.

 I don't know why I friends do not implement that so as we are talking about the camera let's let me actually show you a lot of sample shots side by side so that you get a better idea regarding the camera so these are the snaps taken side by side notice the difference in this guy a little bit as you can see in terms of sharpness and everything both look actually very close to other but in this picture I notice a stark difference you decide which one do you feel is better and you're both look actually got burned when I zoomed and I noticed that the rust if you notice the Samsun got it better so in details I felt the Samsung was doing slightly better this is that 3x zoom and that 2x so and this is that Vedic angle lens again in this picture I felt that the Samsung got the rust a little bit right compared to the iPhone now moving to human subjects there is slight difference in the colour of the skin tones act you notice but notice the grass I was very surprised that the iPhone is posting and saturating the colors a lot more than the Samsung which was very surprising to me and again some more samples as you can see here I feel both of them actually did actually pretty good so as you can see the cameras are neck to neck in most situation with these smartphones are second both of them .

I feel are actually doing a terrific job and these were taken with the front-facing camera and as you can see in outdoor conditions the front-facing camera performance is actually really good with both but in indoor lighting I felt that the iPhones front-facing camera did slightly better compared to the Samson and now moving to some of the night shots here i felt quite a bit of a difference in fact I would say the white balance the iPhone caught it wrong most of the time in fact if you look at this picture the left one actually is looking what it actually looks from my flat it's more natural mirrors on the iPhone let's make a bluish in fact even in my studio this one if you notice the iPhone it's actually yellow lights that I have in my studio but the iPhone made it look like white so that is something you have to note this was taking the night mode and I didn't feel a lot of difference but when i zoom in just notice that inverter wording and sonic it is more sharper on the Samsung one more sample I mean this was again also in pretty low lighting and I feel it it up a lot more I would say and many times I notice in artificial lighting the iPhone.

 I was getting the white balance wrong it was just messing it up quite a bit which is very very surprising the Samsung got the white balance and the colors actually correct in the artificial and indoor lighting and I also feel a slightly sharper in a fan around this blind test a be testing on Twitter and we got almost about three lakh views and most of you rated the camera one as the winner that was the Samsung Galaxy S 20 plus so these were the practical differences between these two smartphones and I feel it's up to you to decide which one is more practical for you and again there is that huge cost difference also between these two smartphones so guys that's it for now for this comparison and guys. ALSO SUBSCRIBE@TECH4NEWS

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