About Opera News Hub: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

About Opera News Hub: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Are you facing some challenges as a creator for Opera News Hub and seek to find solutions for it. If yes then read through the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers section here.

How Can I Get More Reach?

Opera News utilizes an AI-technology-powered recommendation system to help creators distribute their content to a highly targeted audience. Our goal is to help exceptional content find its way to as many users as possible.

The Opera News Hub algorithm reviews each content before it is published. For higher impressions and clicks, please only post your own creation, and improve the quality of your content. Try to make your content the most current, informative, or entertaining, credible, and engaging, meanwhile, avoid any grammar or spelling mistakes especially in titles.
With more high-quality content, you have a better chance of receiving more impressions and clicks. You need to keep an eye on your dashboard and do your research: post content often, keep an eye on your analytics and understand what content resonates with your audience. 

Read also:

What Happens If My Post Is Rejected?

Every post must first go through the Opera News Review System before it can reach millions of Opera News users. The Review System ensures that they provide all users with high-quality content and a premium experience. Each post published in Opera News is first examined by machines and human editors against the content standards.

If problems like misleading headlines, vulgar content, advertisements, and low-quality content are identified, the post will be rejected, or it will be flagged for revision by the editors before being published. Posts that have been published on Opera News, if reported by our users, will also be flagged for revision by the editors.

Frequent offenders of Opera News' content policies will have their 'Conduct Point' score reduced and May even have their account suspended. If you believe your article has been wrongly rejected, please report it via the feedback email, the team will review and revert. For more information about our content standards, please read Opera News Hub Communication Guideline

What Does It Mean When My Account Says 'Testing Online'?

If your posts are under the 'Testing Online' status, it means your content is in the process of being reviewed. Content that does not meet our Community Standards of quality or performance will be removed and may lead to further action. Content that meets our standards will be published quickly. The estimated time of verification for each post could be up to 10 minutes - 1 hour. 

How Are My Earnings Calculated?

Your posts on Opera News Hub will receive payment based on their performance. Many factors affect your posts' revenue on Opera News Hub, including but not limited to the type and quality of your content. If you can create original, high-quality content with an interesting premise that attracts the interest of users, you will be paid. The better your content, the better your earning potential. You can keep an eye on the performance of your content under the 'Content Library' tab on your Opera News Hub dashboard page.

When Will I Receive My Payment?

We want every payment to be transferred as quickly as possible; we have, however, very little control over the actual payment processing banks and are unable to force your transactions through. Payments for the previous month will be processed and paid on or before the 20th of the new month. One thing to keep in mind: please make sure you fill in the correct payment withdrawal information. You shall bear all losses that result from any errors in the payment account information provided by you.

About Content Management

In the content library, you can see all the articles you have edited. There are three kinds of Status of the article: “Published,” “Testing Online” and “Drafts” Published articles will show date, Impressions, Views, and Shares of articles. If your article is not suitable for publishing on the platform, it will be rejected during the review process. Moreover, you will see the reason for rejection.

Posting Standards

Opera News Hub is a free and open platform where everyone can post articles, sharing their opinions and thoughts. As an open platform, all creators can find their audience and succeed in Opera News Hub. That said, the Opera News Hub community does have its standards and guidelines. Opera News Hub WeMedia may reduce users’ points, suspend or ban their accounts, or take other actions if these guidelines are violated. Opera News Hub seeks to promote a civil and kind environment. Malicious behavior that can be a threat to this environment will be subject to discipline. Please refer to our standards as to what violates our policies.

Punishment and Point Deduction

Opera News is a reflection of the diverse community of cultures, ages, and beliefs. They have spent a lot of time thinking about how to protect different points of view while also offering a safe and open environment for everyone. Again, Community Guidelines are created so you can help us foster and protect this amazing community. By using Opera News Hub, you agree to these guidelines and Terms of Use. They are committed to these guidelines and we hope you are too. Violations of our guidelines may result in deleted content, point deductions, account deactivation, or other restrictions.

About Followers

Ahhh, followers. Those magical beings who are crazy about your work and want to engage with you on your incredible journey. Some of us have many of these, many of us have some, and others of us have our grandma, our high school English teacher who always believed in us.

Growing a fan base may seem like a painful battle, especially when you are just starting out. How do you get your works into the hands of people who would love it and appreciate it? Well, here is something you cannot miss!

The Follow feature has been introduced - a key feature designed for creators to manage and communicate with their followers. Please note that clicks from your subscribers are valued higher than clicks from non-subscribers.

About Comments

As a creator, you deserve all the support you get from your followers and your community deserves all the wonderful work you put into your Opera News channel. Interacting with your followers will help grow your audience and popularity. They evolved Comments into a fun easy way to interact with your audience on Opera News.

To review the Comment sections of your posts, you can log in to your Opera News APP on your mobile phone, click me, and check the Top Comments. You can also view comments on your posts & replies to your comments. Easily reply to or 'thumbs up' comments and replies in your comment section. Receive a notification whenever you get a new comment or reply with Opera News's Comment feature, it's easier than ever to dig deeper into what your fans think and get a better sense of how they consume your content. Do not miss a ton of valuable insight into how you can improve and continue growing your fan base.

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