I had this little argument with this woman on instagram a while ago

I had this little argument with this woman on instagram a while ago after I posted a reel one lovely lady I follow posted about elegant ladies not accepting grabbing coffee and going for walks as a date and honestly the reaction of this woman was disappointing and I was starting to lose my cool and getting mad because why following me if you are going to defend dusties? Anyways I tried to be nice and explain my point properly but she wouldn't understand and kept defending her point (which I don't really mind because we were not  being nasty to each other) but when I stopped responding she threatened me to post these screenshots on a group of 'redpilled males' I'm assuming that means dusty guys..? And see what they think. Not an hour later I get a message from her husband who is a marine telling me the only reason I am not married is because of the way I think.. and then he sent me a screenshot of all these males making fun of what I said and calling me all sort of names. I don't get why. I was never disrespectful and I found nasty that they both tried to hurt me by doing that and so disrespectful from her part to be so intrusive and call my exes trash when she doesn't even know them basically telling me my standards are unrealistic but then I said to myself, what could a mediocre marine and his wife understand about class anyway? What do you ladies think? And what's your advice to avoid situations like this?

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