Opera News Hub Fee Terms: How Opera News Hub Revenue Is Calculated

Opera News Hub Fee Terms: How Opera News Hub Revenue Is Calculated
Opera News will pay Writer a Traffic Fee, this Fee will be based on the number of clicks your article generates. The more clicks you can get, the more Traffic Fee you can earn. The unit Traffic Fee shall be determined by several key factors like ads revenue per click, user reading time, quality of the article, originality, etc. You can refer to Tips for Getting More Traffic to learn how your articles can attract more clicks. 

What Others Are Reading:

NOTE 1: Articles can generate more earnings if clicks are from followers to the account. Opera News encourages you to actively share your articles and actively interact with your followers, which can increase your followers’ traffic and bring you more followers and Traffic Fee.

Note 2: Share your articles. A simple and quick tip to improve your clicks is to share your articles with your social network and/or forward to your friends.

NOTE 3: Share your account. The more subscribers to your account, the more distribution and display for your articles, so Opera News strongly recommends that you actively share your account and articles through social media or within the platform, and actively interact with your readers to grow subscribers. As the number of subscriptions to your account grows, your traffic count will also grow.

NOTE 4: Fake Clicks will be spotted and penalized. In order to improve the quality of articles on Opera News Hub and bring users a better reading experience, Opera News Hub will count single clicks as invalid if the duration between the time a reader clicks on the headline and exits the article is too short. Invalid clicks will not be paid for.

Meanwhile, the Opera News Hub AI Technology Algorithm method will recommend more impressions for the articles that have a long duration.

What factors determine the length of duration?

Related to the length of the article. Long articles will give users more content to read and thus longer stay in this article. Short articles won’t contribute to a longer stay. Related to the organization and content of the article. Users will keep on reading your article if it is well organized, informative and interesting. Users won’t spend much time on something boring. Articles with more words and rich content will get more impressions, clicks, and interactions, and therefore will generate a higher Traffic Fee.

Some tips to get long duration:

  1. The articles are not simple statements of facts but opinions, which can tell the cause, background, and impact of an event.
  2. The articles do not only report breaking news or show screenshots of information from social media but can provide additional information or analyze the event from different angles.
  3. The article is very logical and clear, with a good mix of pictures and texts, allowing users to obtain new knowledge and pleasant reading experience.
  4. Article with more than 500 words and 3 pictures.

Payment Instructions

Opera News Hub wants every payment to be transferred as quickly as possible; we have, however, very little control over the actual payment processing banks and are unable to force your transactions through. If there is a delay due to the bank payment system, please be patient

Additionally, as Opera News grows, they have to process a much higher number of payments. We're committed to continually improving payment processing to make it faster and more reliable. One thing to keep in mind: please make sure you fill in the correct payment account information. YOU SHALL BEAR ALL LOSSES THAT RESULTS FROM ANY ERRORS IN THE PAYMENT ACCOUNT INFORMATION PROVIDED BY YOU.

Please also note: the transfer fee generated by bank settlement will be borne by the author and shall be deducted from the total payment, any taxes on income will be writer responsibility and Opera News is not responsible to pay income tax on behalf of writers.

Opera News Hub will confirm your total income for the previous month on the 1st to the 15th (GMT/UTC) of each month (Postponed During Holiday) and will pay you through the payment system before the 30th of each month. (Postponed During Holiday).


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