Samsung Galaxy m31 Quick Reviw, Features and specs

Hi, guys Today let's do the full review of the Samsung galaxy m31 and guys have been actually testing this device for almost slightly over a week now so I'll share my experience.

what do I feel about this device and I'll divide between pros and cons but before that here are the quick specs for the galaxy m31 and as you can see it's a six-point four-inch screen and the big thing is that it comes with that massive six thousand milliamp-hour battery and now we have that quad camera set up where the main camera is a 64 megapixel then we have an 8-megapixel wide 5-megapixel macro and five-megapixel depth and even the front-facing camera is a 32-megapixel shooter and other specs are on the screen for your reference.

so let's now quickly dive into the review and divide it between the pros and cons let's start with the pros first and I get a little Samsung device it has a Super AMOLED screen and it has that six-point four-inch screen and that's as you can see there put a good quality AMOLED screen on this is a full HD screen and it's actually really good and even in outdoor situations.

When I left it on auto-brightness it was fine I was able to see stuff so it is a good panel that they have put so no issues regarding that and one thing.

 I noticed is that by default when you buy this phone for some reason I don't know Samson is if you go to the display options it's keeping the colors and the screen mode too vivid so everything pops up in the colors so if you don't like that go to the natural one like what I did but apart from that everything is good and I also like the fact that now it's coming with the new UI that is known as the one UI version 2 which is based on Android 10 so again that's a good thing that we are getting on this one as you can see in the software information you're getting Android 10 out of the box and now.

if we talk about another thing that I noticed on this smartphone is that compared to earlier our Samsung M series and their mid-range phones if you notice the fingerprint scanner there's a physical one here but it's a really fast one that they have put on this one so again that's actually a nice thing but one thing to notice.

if your fingers are moist like many are fingerprint scanners this will also not work so again make sure your fingerprint is not moist but apart from that as you can see it works very another very important thing with this device is that it has that mass of six thousand milliamp-hour battery but I'm happy to say that the balance of this the phone has done very well so it does not feel like a brick actually I asked many people cousins exercise to try to hold this phone 

When I told them this has a six thousand milliamp-hour battery they were surprised and it didn't feel that heavy yes it's obviously a little bit chunky as it has that big battery but the weight balance has been done then so that's actually a nice thing but the back is that polycarbonate back as you can see so it's sort of a fingerprint magnet now if we talk about the processor used on this one is the Exynos 96 level that's based on the ten-nanometer process and this is a so C is used on quite a few our bodies assumptions mid-range phones like the earlier

 M 31 and even the new  M51 and I would say it handles this one fine without any issues with this, what do you say what 1uy version -I do not have a problem with this one as you can see I'm using the full gesture mode in this one so you can set this up and as you can see it handles stuff fine on this one I didn't have a problem.

I like the fact that you can just do this and go back so in that way it works and I did not notice any lag while regularly using the phone only place where I notice some lag was when us invoking this camera more and if I go back this is that minor lag that I noticed apart from that I did not notice lag while using regular phones I'll talk about the camera later on and when we talk about another thing is that now I also restrict the compass because in some of the earlier M series device

I said that the compass was not working but I'm happy to say here as you can see the compass works very well I also tested what is in navigation with Google Maps and that also works so that's actually nice on this one now coming to the cellular connectivity here also.

 I did not have an issue I tested this one with a turtle and it worked fine without an issue other parties never complained that I sounded money muddy or something and the earpiece quality is good for this one and no issues I took some of the calls with the speakerphone and them were like fine I would say so again in terms of call quality.

 I did not have problems and here in with my sim it also supports Wi-Fi calling and that is also working for me so that's actually a nice thing and obviously it also works with Geo now if we talk about another the thing that is gaming again this is not a game eccentric smartphone but I did try what'd he say Call of Duty and as you can see it played Call of Duty fine but again by default, the graphics were set to medium 

I would say don't exceed that medium graphics attic if you keep it like that then it plays fine so it's not like you cannot play games with this one you can't play games with this one but again with heavy games you might have to keep the graphical settings to medium now if we talk about the battery which is the big thing about this device but has that six thousand milliamp-hour battery and with this new one UI I don't like the fact that if you go to the battery starts that will be in for example here down if we go to devise scare here we have the battery start this new one.

  I don't like the battery layout start so I use a third-party app as you can see I changed it here and it's almost after two days I'm still on that charge that I am still at eighteen percent so the standby what'd he say life is very good as you can see four hours 36 then 136 plus you have to add this so roughly in terms of the screen on time.

 I am using a third-party app now Aquabat repo pro 2 gated and according to this one I'm getting anywhere between about seven and a half to about nine hours of battery life per charge so again that's actually a good thing but standby life is also good so albeit you're kind of a very heavy user I do not think so you'll kill this one during a day easily one and a half to two days worth of battery life that you should get on this one and I was actually I just disabled always-on.

 I was using it with always-on guys this one so you can actually disable this I have kept it to tab but if I was using it like this and even with that I was getting about that seven and a half to about roughly about nine hours of battery life and the standard time is also good so that is regarding the battery now.

I would say the biggest difference about this device compared to the earlier M series is the camera on this one now we have that the main camera is a 64-megapixel shooter on this one and make we have that belly photo sorry the wide-angle lens then we have a 5 megapixel 4 depth and 5 megapixels for macro shots and even the front-facing the camera is a massive 32-megapixel shooter and I would say the camera performance was very good and I've taken a lot of camber our samples with this one so here are the samples to give you an idea so these samples were taken with the rear-facing camera and as you can see the pictures came out good and also in terms of color reproduction.

It was good this was the regular short and here I exploit the wide-angle lens and as you can see in outdoor lighting the pictures came out to be really good now this is very dull let restaurant lighting as you can see but I was surprised that here also as you can see it's very dim lighting it did a good job this was regular short and we also have that image optimizer and it did a better job this was a regular short and this was that wide-angle lens again I took some sample shots here also it was very low lighting so yes there is a little bit of pixelation

But overall I did a decent job and these samples were taken artificial lighting in my office and as you can see it did a good job here also now some outdoor sample shots that I took and this was just that portrait mode regular mode again that background blur mode and again as you'll see it came unnaturally these were with the front-facing camera and the front-facing camera shots also as you can see came out actually really good.

But again be careful with the background blur you can increase it and then it starts to blur you're off here then these were taken in typical indoor artificial lighting conditions and as you can see here also did a good job as you saw the camera samples that we got with this device were actually really really good and even the front-facing camera which I generally did not expect again disable the beauty mode even the front async a bright it's there on by default if you disable those.

 I could get some very good samples actually with the front-facing camera I simply did not expect that one so the camera is actually the biggest trump card I would say for this device if you compare it with earlier mid-range smartphones from Samsung's so these were the good things about this device now let's talk about the cons now guys as this has that mass of six thousand milliamp-hour battery Samsung supplied just a normal 15-watt charger with this one and it does take quite a bit of time.

 I did not time it exactly because our charging mostly at night but you could say almost about three hours it will take to fully charge it charge is actually pretty quickly up to about 75 percent but the last 25 percent does take time so I used to be curious

I have this 25-watt charger from Samsung itself this is with the what is a galaxy s 20 plus and lots of of the new smartphones with Samsung are coming with this I tried this with the power meter but this simply did not make any difference the supplied charger was also pulling about fourteen point six seven watts and that's actually the case even with this 25-watt fast charger .

it was not pulling more than 42 14.51 so again if we even put a faster what's a charger I attempt to use with this one it won't make a difference the maximum current reverse pulling is what fourteen point six what so that is something you have to note and another thing is that again if you notice we don't have any physically led notification light on this one yes you'll enable this one and it does help but again no physical and you need a notification that we are getting on this one now another small corner I would say is that the speakers are good enough guys don't get me wrong you got it's bad or something but when I actually tested the speakers.

I felt that it could have been slightly louder as you can see I'm only single speaker as you can see you can completely block so as you see the speaker is adequate I would say but I wished it was slightly louder it's not a major con but sort of nitpicking that.

 I felt and another thing is that if you've seen the unboxing Shane Lee Samsung does not provide any case within the box and again without the case as you can see at least in this black color this is sort of a fingerprint magnet so again you might have to buy an external case for this one and again as I've told you earlier you can do some gaming with this one .

But I would not suggest a smartphone for the heavy gamer"s so who's the smartphone for I would say the biggest strength of this smartphone is that six thousand milliamp-hour battery .

if you're always worried about that battery life you're kind of an important user who finishes battery life and you just can't get that full one working day go with this test will easily last you for each day or even one and a half days albeit you are a sort of heavy user and the second major improvement that I saw is in terms of cameras not only the rear-facing cameras.

But even the front-facing camera was actually really good on this one, in fact, I would say one of the best that I've seen from a mid-range smartphone from Samsung the camera is that code and lastly, I know many people prefer an AMOLED screen .

so yes it does have a decent AMOLED screen so guys if you're looking for a Samsung what is a mid-range smartphone I can certainly say this is actually one of the best material smartphones that Samsung has released for the price point of about 15,000 anyways guys, that's it for now for the review of the Samsung Galaxy m31.

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