Opera News Hub: Wrong Images Will Get Your Articles Rejected For Copyright Infringement

ALERT! Why Wrong Images Will Get Your Article REJECTED For Copyright Infringement

ALERT! Why Wrong Images Will Get Your Article REJECTED For Copyright Infringement

While writing, it may be very easy to simply hop on Google to get pictures of random people which would serve as the image used to depict what you might be writing about. While this is the fastest way, it is wrong and would get you in trouble!

As an excellent writer, you should bear in mind that these are regular people like you, who do not want their images used to illustrate bizarre, sensational and often weird fictional articles.

Going forward, when writers use the pictures of other persons/random people, those articles will be rejected for copyright infringement.

The only exception to this rule is for you to get permission from the owner of the photo, in which case they must be credited.

It is very important to remember that using pictures of regular people without their permission could land you in serious legal trouble.

To avoid this, use only stock photos, or professional model photos to illustrate fictional narratives - and a caveat saying "Picture used for illustrative purpose" must be added. Some of the platforms where you can find such photos include:
- Pinterest
- Pixabay
- Unsplash


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